Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 5 - Day 7

Train from Wexford to Dublin

Andrew and I are on the train back to Dublin. It is a rainy day. Brandi and Keller are on their way to Cork via bus. Last night's entry was truncated due to sick people needing to go to sleep, so I'll continue it now.

After leaving the hotel yesterday, we wandered around Wexford, almost lost Keller for good, stopped by the tourism office, and eventually made out way to the Selskar Abbey, which not all that exciting, despite being built on what was originally a sacred spot dedicated to Odin. We found out later that there is a castle just outside of town, but it was too late by then.

We decided not to go back to the hotel between the abbey visit and dinner, so we ended up seeing Dark Knight at a movie theatre just outside town, to kill some time (it was on the ride there that I noticed the sign for the castle; ah well).

When we got back from the movie, we tried desparately to find a pub with live music (the internet cafe owner in Rathdrum had said there was good music in Wexford)--but we were unsuccessful. Apparently there is music to be found anywhere, every night EXCEPT Thursdays. We kept getting directed to smaller and smaller pubs (read: tiny, filled entirely with locals, where we would have felt uncomfortable sitting for fear of taking someone's regular spot) the point that we soon felt just so out of place that we gave up the search and returned to an Indian restaurant we had noticed the night before. The food was good, although Brandi got into a bit of trouble for making the (usually correct) assumption that "spicy" in Ireland doesn't mean what we think of as spicy. We got back to the hotel around 11pm and went to bed shortly thereafter.

Today, we woke up to rain and planned to get to town with just enough time to stock up on a few supplies before catching out respective rides out of town. We get into Dublin around 4pm and will probably make our way straight to the hotel.

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