Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tuesday, September 2 - Day 4

Glendalough to Glenmalure, about 8.9 miles/14.4 kilometers.

Today was full of rain--wet, cold rain--and lots of uphill climbing. Too much. We did get some great top-of-the-world + sheeps views, but the continuous uphill climb (pretty much the first two-thirds of the day) was tough, and made worse by the fact that we had to keep stopping to put on and take off rain gear. Though we managed to stay dry, we were all pretty miserable, and consequently we've decided to skip tomorrow's walk. (We took a lot fewer photos this day, due to the rain):

We're currently at a B&B in the tiny town of Greenan, which is near the tiny town of Glenmalure, today's Wicklow Way destination. After arriving in Glenmalure, we dropped into the convenient pub for hot whiskey, warm food, dessert, and a pint. We complained about our day, discussed plans for tomorrow, ate and played cards.

After a couple hours the owner of the Birchdale House B&B came by to pick us up and cart us away. We've had tea and biscuits, discussed nature vs. nurture, and what we want to do tomorrow.

Broadly speaking, tomorrow we are going to skip our planned 21km hike and instead catch a lift to the nearby larger town of Rathdrum for the day, before catching a taxi to Moyne, where our next B&B is. So far, we plan to eat, play cards, and maybe do a hedge maze.

This B&B, Birchdale House, is quite different from Tochar Cottage: the surrounding town is smaller, the house is new and obviously built as a lodging. Thee's a concierge desk at the entrance, and a hallway with five bedrooms, each with a private bath (there's even a communal bathroom with a full-sized tub--most bathrooms here just have shower stalls barely big enough to turn around in). Also, the owner, Tom, brings in someone else to do the breakfasts and clean the rooms, while Stella at Tochar did all of it herself.

More photos from Tuesday

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