Sunday, November 16, 2008

A long weekend finally ends

Somewhat unfortunately, halfway through the month I have failed NaBloPoMo. Ah well. I failed because I was busy WINNING by doing stuff like this:

Chocolate toffee cookies and pomegranet liquor

and this:

Protest against Prop 8

Protest against Prop 8

It was really great to be a part of the protest again California's Proposition 8--to join the more than 100,000 people across the country who simulatenously stood up to speak up against bigotry.

Most of my weekend had a much lighter turn. As the first pictures indicates, baked goods were involved, as well as a trip to Hop Leaf and finally getting to see Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind (which I highly recommend). I've slept in two different beds that were not my own, I've gotten up surprisingly early for a weekend, and I know the CTA map like the back of my hand.

My computer, unfortunately, is giving up the ghost, as it were. The battery no longer holds a charge or charges anew, and the power cord spontaneously stops charging. In some ways, it's good, because it forces me to focus on the non-computer-related work I have to do. On the other's frickin' irritating to have your computer suddenly turn off. And to know that I'm going to have to write my finals on a library computer.

1 comment:

Kevin David Anderson said...

Thank you for taking part in that. The 47% of us Californians who voted with our hearts and not doctrine inspired fear, appreciate it.

It is kind of surreal watching national protest about a vote that took place here. I wish other states would take up the rainbow banner and charge forward.