Friday, August 21, 2009

An Anvil Challege: the 100 Drinks List

Anvil Bar & Refuge

Anvil Bar & Refuge in Houston has issued a challenge to its patrons in the form of a list.

the List

Specifically, it's a list of 100 classic cocktails that they believe everyone should try at least once in their lifetime. The List was released last Wednesday along with stamp cards for patrons to keep track of which drinks they've enjoyed so far. According to Anvil owner Bobby Heugel, finishing the list will get you a 100 cocktails manual; the first five to finish all 100 drinks will receive a special surprise.

In the interest of furthering my knowledge of cocktails (and indulging my nerd tendencies) I have decided to try to blog the List: all 100 drinks. A photo of the drink, at Anvil, accompanied by a little bit of information so that the List Challenge is not just delicious, but also educational. (Nerd, remember?) I'm not going to do any major research, but I'll do my best to provide some kind of background information on each cocktail

While I will be competing to drink all 100, I will not be blogging the cocktails in the order I drink them. Nor will will the posts follow the list order (which is alphabetical). I may develop a consistent strategy, I may not. In any case, I'm looking forward to this project.



Dorothy said...

Great idea! I don't have the stamina to drink the drinks, so I will enjoy them vicariously through you. I feel like I should contribute to the cause so one of the drinks will be on me!

I'd love to see the punch card if you don't mind posting a photo of it.

And do you know if it's true that Bobby will give a free drink if a patron brings in a vintage cocktail glass?

Ayn said...

I hadn't heard that about the vintage cocktail glass...we'll have to find out.

I'll try to get a picture of the punch card at some point...but if you're going to buy me a drink, you can just see one there! (Thanks for the offer, btw!)