Saturday, December 20, 2008


I've often faced the dilemna of buying a carton of cream (or buttermilk) for a recipe, using a couple tablespoons, then having all the leftover cream just sit in the fridge until I decide to throw it out.

Apparently, the answer to this problem is just to cook with cream more often! I'm down with that.

Crustless quiche

Specifically, I originally bought the cream for the sauce for Thursday's ravioli, and most of it was leftover. I finished it off in the crustless "quiche" shown above (recipe by Mark "The Minimalist" Bittman). I just got Bittman's book How to Cook Everything, and I'm so excited to start making things from it! I've got to admit, though, that reading it before bed is probably not the best idea.  *tummy grumbles*

*Rhymes with "quiche"

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