At Yagul, we got to climb inside some actual tombs (subterranean); that experience compared to our experience of climbing pyramids at other sites prompted the question, "If these ancient people were so short (such low ceilings!) why did were their stairs so tall?" We also saw this statue:
We also climbed up to the top of a mountain at Yagul to see the remains of a fortress, and we ended up basically on top of the world, as you can see:
As we were heading down the mountain, it became known that our professor has never seen the Indiana Jones movies. Presented with this information, one girl from our program asked, "Why did you become an archaeologist, then?'
Re: Spaniards rebuilding on others' temples...
When Spain retook Seville from the Moors during the Reconquista, the local archbishop took a look at the (gorgeous) mosque that had become the center of town and decreed it to be leveled, proclaiming that upon that very spot "we will build a church so grand, the world will take us for madmen".
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